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Jews Demand Change in Jerusalem Municipal Administration; Undecided on Fitzgerald Plan

A joint meeting here of the Jewish Community Council, the former Jewish councillors of Jerusalem and representatives of the Agudas Israel decided today to demand either immediate municipal elections in Jerusalem or the appointment of a temporary administration with adequate Jewish representation. At present, the city is ruled by a government-appointed board. The conferees announced […]

January 3, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A joint meeting here of the Jewish Community Council, the former Jewish councillors of Jerusalem and representatives of the Agudas Israel decided today to demand either immediate municipal elections in Jerusalem or the appointment of a temporary administration with adequate Jewish representation. At present, the city is ruled by a government-appointed board.

The conferees announced that they still had not reached a final decision on the plan proposed by Palestine Chief Justice Sir William Fitzgerald, providing for the partition of Jerusalem into separate Jewish and Arab boroughs.

In Tel Aviv yesterday, Sir Henry Gurney, Chief Secretary of the Palestine Government, told a press conference that the authorities are not willing at present to surrender the port of Tel Aviv to the municipal council of that city or to annex to Tel Aviv certain Jewish quarters of Jaffa, adjoining the all-Jewish city, for which Tel Aviv annually pays $1,200,000 to provide the residents with health, education and other services.

Sir Henry announced at the same time that the Palestine Government spent $640,000 during 1946 to maintain illegal immigrants and detainees, aside from those in Cyprus.

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