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Jews to Participate in International Religious Peace Conference

Religions that will take part in the Universal Religious Peace Conference, to be held at Geneva, Switzerland, in 1930, were announced by Dr. Henry A. Atkinson, General Secretary of the Church Peace Union, under whose auspices the conference is now being organized. Dr. Atkinson announced that the organization will be effected of an executive committee […]

June 14, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Religions that will take part in the Universal Religious Peace Conference, to be held at Geneva, Switzerland, in 1930, were announced by Dr. Henry A. Atkinson, General Secretary of the Church Peace Union, under whose auspices the conference is now being organized.

Dr. Atkinson announced that the organization will be effected of an executive committee of 69 members, in which the religions participating in the Conference will be represented as follows: Catholics 10, Protestants 10, Eastern Orthodox 5, Buddhists 4, Moslems 4, Jews 4, Hindoos 4, Zoroasters 2, Confucians 2, Shintoists 2, Jains 1, Sikhs 1, Taoists 1.

In addition to the above there will be ten delegates at large, and also nine delegates who will be the original committee, representing Protestants, Catholics and Jews, appointed by the Church Peace Union at its last annual meeting. This committee consists of Dean Shailer Mathews, Chairman; Dr. Peter Ainslic, Dr. Frank Oliver Hall, Prof. William I. Hull, Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, Mr. Marcus M. Marks, Dr. John R. Mott, Dr. James J. Walsh.

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