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Katzir Pledges Israel Will Never Give Up Struggle for Rights of Soviet Jews

President Ephraim Katzir pledged yesterday that Israel will never stop fighting for the right of Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union. Addressing a “Prisoners of Zion Day” rally at the Western Wall, Katzir said their struggle convinced him that the Russians will never be able to silence the aliya movement. Israelis view the granting […]

June 17, 1977
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

President Ephraim Katzir pledged yesterday that Israel will never stop fighting for the right of Jews to emigrate from the Soviet Union. Addressing a “Prisoners of Zion Day” rally at the Western Wall, Katzir said their struggle convinced him that the Russians will never be able to silence the aliya movement.

Israelis view the granting of an exit visa to Moscow activist Mark Azbel, announced yesterday, as a Soviet ploy aimed to coincide with the opening of the 35-nation conference in Belgrade on compliance with the 1974 Helsinki agreement. Circles here noted that Prof. Azbet, whose wife and son live in Jerusalem, had been trying to get an exit visa for the past six years without success.

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