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Keren Hayesod Income for January £30,990

The amount of £30,990 was received by the Keren Hayesod during the month of January, headquarters of the Fund here announced. Samuel S. Solender has been appointed executive director of the Washington Heights Y.M.H.A., New York. He was previously connected with the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum as principal of the technical schools, superintendent of […]

February 21, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The amount of £30,990 was received by the Keren Hayesod during the month of January, headquarters of the Fund here announced.

Samuel S. Solender has been appointed executive director of the Washington Heights Y.M.H.A., New York. He was previously connected with the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum as principal of the technical schools, superintendent of the Jewish Orphan Home in Rochester, and superintendent of the Jewish Children’s Society of Baltimore, Md.

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