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Kirkpatrick Says UN is Laying Groundwork for Expulsion of Israel

February 16, 1982
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick accused the UN of laying the groundwork for the expulsion of Israel from the world body and warned of “serious consequences” if any further steps are taken against Israel.

Kirkpatrick told the national executive committee of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith that the UN General Assembly resolution adopted February 5 which called for the total isolation of Israel for its annexation of the Golan Heights went “beyond language used at any time in the past against a member state” — including South Africa. South Africa, she pointed out, has been barred from the General Assembly since 1974 but its right to membership has not been challenged.

“Israel’s right has been challenged,” Kirkpatrick said, “and the groundwork has now been layed for consideration of a proposal for its suspension or expulsion.”

In discussing recent UN actions against Israel, Kirkpatrick noted that a joint resolution has just been introduced in Congress questioning further U.S. support for the United Nations if actions are taken to bar democratic member states.

“This says only what our government has reiterated time and again. I hope the display of broad Congressional support for this policy will drive home the message that the United States is prepared to take stern measures if a tyrannical majority continues to push the United Nations down a reckless and self-destructive path.”

Kirkpatrick said that the United States contributes 25 percent of the United Nations regular budget — more than the combined contributions of all 86 countries, including the Soviet Union, which voted to condemn Israel for its extension of civil law to the Golan Heights.

The UN envoy quoted Rep. Thomas Lantos (D. Calif.) who introduced the Congressional resolution, as saying “the Congress and the American people are sick and tired of financing the antics of the Libyas and Cubas of this planet.”


Warning that the United States cannot “tolerate for very long” the present state of affairs at the United Nations, Kirkpatrick outlined what American strategy should be. She said this country must speak at the world body with a “clear, strong voice” and distinguish between friends and foes, letting them know that “words matter” and that anti-American actions could affect bilateral relations with Washington.

“We must say what we think about anti-Americanism, the scapegoating of Israel, the harmful politicization of UN bodies and the perversion of the purposes of the United Nations,” she declared.

In remarks made to reporters after her speech, Kirkpatrick called the General Assembly’s censure of Israel “sinister” and said it could be compared to the most serious action taken against Israel — the adoption of the “Zionism is racism” resolution in 1975.

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