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Lithuania Seeks Return of 80 from Soviet

The Lithuanian Legation in Moscow is negotiating with the Soviet authorities regarding repatriation of 80 persons arrested in Wilno during the Russian occupation, among them Anna Rosenthal, a leader of the Bund, Jewish Socialist party. Not included in the list are Zalman Reisin, famous Yiddish writer, and his son, and Joseph Czernichow, famous lawyer, and […]

January 5, 1940
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Lithuanian Legation in Moscow is negotiating with the Soviet authorities regarding repatriation of 80 persons arrested in Wilno during the Russian occupation, among them Anna Rosenthal, a leader of the Bund, Jewish Socialist party. Not included in the list are Zalman Reisin, famous Yiddish writer, and his son, and Joseph Czernichow, famous lawyer, and his son, because of lack of evidence that they are eligible for Lithuanian citizenship.

Registration of refugees was completed today in Kaunas. More than 1,000 Polish and Czech refugees were ordered to reside in the provinces and several hundred were allowed to remain in the capital.

A nation-wide congress of Lithuanian rabbis opened here, attended by 270 rabbis, including many from Wilno and Poland. They were greeted by Burgomeister Rusteika and a Government representative.

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