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Mapam Party Split over Prague Trial Considered Certain

December 5, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Israel press today predicted that a definite split would take place in the leftwing Socialist Mapam Party next week when the party’s central council meets here to consider the Prague trial at which one of its members “confessed” to aiding the enemies of Communist Czechoslovakia.

The reports published today predict that the “radical” wing of the party, led by Dr. Moshe Sneh and the Hashomer Hatzair faction, will demand that the party take the following position on the trial: 1. The party blames the Israel Government for the Eastern European states’ “retreat” from a policy of favoring Israel; 2. The party must step up its campaign against “Ben Gurion’s pro-American policy;” 3. The party should issue a declaration that Mordecai Oren, the Israeli Mapam leader under arrest in Prague whose “confession” was introduced at the Prague trial, is innocent of any plotting against the Czechoslovak state.

The “moderate” or Leachduth Avodah wing of the party is pictured in the press as demanding: 1. The party identify itself with Mr. Oren and reject his “confession,” 2. It take a position against the smearing of Israel at the Prague trial, pointing out that the state cannot be identified with the government; 3. The party should issue a declaration pointing out that it is an integral part of the Zionist movement 4. The party should express its regret at the “negative handling of the Jewish aspect” at the trial.

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