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Morgenthau Calls for Independent U.S. Policy on Israel on Return from Palestine

The government of the United States “should have a policy of its own towards Israel and not follow the British Foreign Office,” Henry Morgenthau, Jr., general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, said today on his arrival at La Guardia Field from Israel. On the basis of his observations during a two-week tour of the […]


The government of the United States “should have a policy of its own towards Israel and not follow the British Foreign Office,” Henry Morgenthau, Jr., general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, said today on his arrival at La Guardia Field from Israel.

On the basis of his observations during a two-week tour of the Jewish state to survey economic, settlement and social welfare programs carried on there with U.J.A. funds, Mr. Morgenthau said that “the state of Israel is stronger than over. They are going to win.”

Mr. Morgenthau disclosed that the Egyptian Government had recently received two submarines from Italy to reinforce its naval squadron fighting the Israeli Navy. Right thousand rifles sent from Italy to Alexandria were intercepted by the Israeli Navy, which captured the vessel carrying the arms, he said.

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