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Mypt Wins Point at San Francisco; Uncio Approves Commission on Human Rights

The proposal to establish a Commission on Human Rights, advocated by Jewish and non-Jewish consultants to the U. S. delegation, was slopted yesterday by the Committee on Social and Economic Cooperation of the United cetions Conference. National and international civic groups will be enabled to cooperate with the comission, but will have to first consult […]

June 4, 1945
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The proposal to establish a Commission on Human Rights, advocated by Jewish and non-Jewish consultants to the U. S. delegation, was slopted yesterday by the Committee on Social and Economic Cooperation of the United cetions Conference.

National and international civic groups will be enabled to cooperate with the comission, but will have to first consult their respective governments, it was pointed out after adoption of the proposal.

An amendment introduced by the Egyptian delegates providing for joint trusteeships over certain areas by more than one-state was adopted during the week-end by the trusteeship committee without any dissenting votes. The amendment would pave the way for Egypt, or any other Arab state, to petition the world security organization, at some later date, to allov it to share the trusteeship over Palestine with Great Fritein.

(Speaking last night at a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in honor of Prince Abdul-Ilah, Regent of Iraq, William Phillips, assistant to the Secretary of State, expressed the U. S. Government’s approval of the League of Arab States and predicted that it would not only benefit each member state, but would enable them to participate in important tasks facing the United Nations. Stressing the importance the G. S. places on strengthening friendship with the Arab states, Mr. Phillips disclosed plans to develop airlines which will bring cities of the United States and the Arab world within 48 hours of each other.)

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