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Nazi Literature in Buenos Aires

April 26, 1983
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Nazi literature and propaganda, banned in Argentina three years ago, has returned to the newsstands of Buenos Aires, according to a report in O Estado Sao Paulo by its Buenos Aires correspondent, Hugo Martinez.

The propaganda emanates from the Aryan Nationalist Party (Partido Nationalista Integral). It features photographs of Hitler and praise for the “martyrs of nationalism” including war criminals Kalten-brunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Streicher, editor of the virulently anti-Semitic “Der Sturmer,” and six other top Nazis condemned at the Nuremberg trials, Martinez reported. Wide publicity is given a book called “The History of the European SS” authored by Leon Degrelle.

Martinez recalled that the Federal Police banned the sale and circulation of Nazi propaganda in Argentina three years ago in response to complaints from democratic groups and Jewish organizations. But the same works, produced in Argentina, are reappearing. Only the name of the publishing house has changed — from Militancia to Avanzada.

According to Martinez, “There are many indications that certain sections of the Federal Police and Army admire the Nazi cause and means of internal security. Although the Argentine Federal Police has perfected the technique of banning publications, it fails to do so in this case,” Martinez reported.

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