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New Executive of Jewish Agency Elected by Zionist Actions Committee

January 19, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Zionist Actions Committee, policy-making body of the world movement between sessions of the World Zionist Congress, completed its organizational process here today, electing Aryeh L.Pincus as chairman of the executive of the Jewish Agency and choosing 19 other members of the executive. The president of the World Zionist Organization, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, needed no vote, since he had been chosen by the last Zionist Congress.

Mr. Pincus has been acting chairman since the death of Moshe Sharett, and has now been given the post as the permanent incumbent. The members chosen to the executive, approved unanimously en bloc, were: Eliahu Dobkin, Yitzhak Harkavi, Dr. Raanan Weitz, Prof. Marie Syrkin and Abraham Cygel, all of Mapai. Itzhak Artzi, Leo Dultzin, Chaim Levanon and Dr. Emanuel Neumann, of the World Union of General Zionists.Dr. Israel Goldstein, Mrs. Rose Halprin and Woolf Perry, of the Confederation of General Zionists; David Beit-Arie, Rabbi Mordechai Kirshblum and S. Z. Shragai, of Mizrachi; Yosef Klarman and Dr. Joseph Schechtman, of Herut; Mrs. Cyvia Lubetkin-Zuckerman, of Achdut Avoda; and Zvi Lurie, of Mapam.

Abraham Schenker, of Mapam, was elected as a deputy member.” Andre Narboni was elected to the executive as a non-party member representing the Sephardic community; and Mrs. Raya Yaglom as a non-voting member to represent the Women’s International Zionist Organization. Additionally, Supreme Court Justice Moshe Landau was elected president of the Zionist Court of Honor, to succeed Justice Shimon Agranat who has been chosen as president of the Israel Supreme Court, while Haim Grongrod was elected as legal adviser to the Zionist Congress, succeeding Dr. Pinhas Rosen, who had asked to be relieved of that post.

The Actions Committee, which is scheduled to adjourn tonight with the adoption of resolutions, is expected to nominate American and European non-party Zionists who will sit on the executive. It will also vote on a recommendation by the standing committee that one prominent Israeli non-Zionist be coopted. That post will go to a member of Israel’s Cabinet.

A hitch took place today on the election of an American to represent the Reform movement of the U.S.A. among the coopted non-party members. The standing committee had recommended yesterday for that spot Rabbi Roland B. Gittelson, of Boston, but the Zionist Organization of America proposed instead the name of Rabbi Leo I. Feuer, of Toledo. Voting on this nomination may be left to the executive. Also to be elected are two Latin American members, about whose identity there is no agreement.

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