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No Plan for PLO Commemorative Stamp

September 10, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Postal Administration of the United Nations has no plans for the next two years in issuing a stamp commemorating the PLO, The Workmen’s Circle has been assured by H. Edgar Stock, Assistant Postmaster General of the United States. The Jewish labor fraternal order, through its President Bernard Backer, had sought assurances that the U.S. postal authorities would not honor such a stamp after the U.N. Palestine Committee had recommended Its issuance.

In addition, The Workmen’s Circle was informed by Stock; “I have brought your mailgram to the attention of the Office of International Organization Affairs at the Department of State, which will give the matter appropriate attention.”

Backer was told that “The Postal Administration of the United Nations has informed us that its stamp production schedule is drawn up for two years in advance and that there are no plans for a stamp commemorating the Palestine Liberation Organization.” In his original communication to Postmaster General William F. Folger, Backer had predicated his opposition on press reports with authoritative U.N. by-lines that the U.N. Palestine Committee had, among other PLO promotional activities voted favorably on the issuance of a PLO commemorative stamp.

“It was our intention in heading-off such issuance that we protested on August 17th and we shall monitor the situation to make certain that no exception is mode,” Backer said after receiving Stock’s letter.

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