The seventeenth annual convention of the Order Sons of Zion, an insurance fraternal organization affiliated with the Zionist Organization affiliated with the Zionist Organization of America, was opened Sunday morning in the presence of 187 delegates representing 47 camps, at the Hotel Scarboro, Long Branch, welcomed the delegates. Mr. Benjamin Stoliar opened the proceedings with greetings on behalf of long Branch Camp No. 134 of the Order.
Although great interest was displayed by the attending delegates in the question of Zionist Revisionism, which came into the foreground following the action of the Executive Committee of the Order recently in adopting a resolution endorsing the program of the League of Zionist-Revisionists, of which Mr. Vladimir Jabotinsky is the leader, the matter did not come up in the proceedings of the first day’s sessions.
The sessions were occupied mainly with the addresses of welcome, the reading of the message of the Nasi, Mr. Sol Friedland, and with other official business of the organization.
Mr. Sol, Friedland, the Nasi of the Order, touched upon the question of Zionist-Revisionism and recommended the convention to endorse the action of the Committee. He simultaneously gave expression to the feeling that Dr. Weizmann has the full support of the Order.
A demand expressed by Mr. Leo Wolfsohn, leader of the group which is in opposition to Revisionism, that the Nasi appoint a special committee to deal with this question was ruled out of order by the Nasi, who appointed committees to deal with the president’s message and other matters of the convention.
Throughout the proceedings an undercurrent interest in the undebated question made itself felt.
Some of the delegates objected to the appointment of members of recent enrollment to the committees, claiming that it was contrary to the provisions of the constitution of the order to appoint members who have not been enrolled ninety days prior to the convention.
The question of the attitude toward Zionist-Revisionism found expression in the addresses of welcome delivered by Mr. Louis Lipsky, chairman of the Zionist Organization of America, and Vladimir Jabotinsky.
Mr. Lipsky in his address contended that the Executive Committee of the Order Sons of Zion in adopting its resolution to endorse the Zionist-Revisionist program acted contrary to the spirit and letter of the agreement between the Order and the Zionist Organization, according to which on ? of general policy only joint action, through the regularly elected bodies of the Zionist movement in America is to be effective. He also pointed out the fact that certain aspects of the Revisionist propaganda might bring harmful results to the Zionist movement.
Mr. Jabotinsky in his reply argued that just as the Zionist Organization of America, although a part of the World Zionist Organization, has the right to formulate its own views and advocate its own policies, so is the same right reserved for any part of the Zionist Organization of America.
Mr. Jabotinsky also replied that it was Dr. Weizmann, president of the present Zionist Executive, who led the Opposition within the Zionist movement known as the “Democratische Fraktion.”
Dr. Rabelsky, representative of the Zeire Zion, although opposed to Revisionism, urged the delegates to protect their freedom to their own views. Messrs. Hertzfeld and Ramez, representatives of the Palestine Labor Federation, in welcoming the convention, argued against the Agrarian Reform and the Jewish Legion, two of the points of the Zionist-Revisionist program.
Mr. Lipsky, in his address, stated “It is needless for me now to present our view, the view of the Zionist Organization of America and practically of all the Zionists of the country, with regard to the value of the services rendered by the Order Sons of Zion, because we of the Zionist Organization of America do not regard the Order as in any way separate and distinct from the Zionist movement or the Zionist Organization of America as a whole. It is a matter of history that the Order Sons of Zion was organized through the efforts of the Zionist Organization. and all the strength we possessed at the time we organized it were put into the establishment of an organization that would reflect credit upon the Zionist movement.
“As for myself and the administration, I can say without hesitation that throughout these many years the Order Sons of Zion has been a strength to the Zionist movement and that all its efforts have gone into the making of that strength of which every Zionist-no matter what party or group he may belong to-is justly proud.
“I regret to say it is my duty to call the attention of this convention to the development of a rift between the Order Sons of Zion and the Zionist Organization of America. The Order Sons of Zion entered into an arrangement with the Zionist Organization of America in which the Order agreed to work together with the Zionist Organization on all general matters of Zionist importance. This was an agreement or contract entered into between your body, this convention, and the convention of the Zionist Organization of America. The articles of the agreement were written and signed, approved by your convention and approved by our convention, and in accordance with that agreement it was understood that the Order Sons of Zion, the Zionist Organization of America and the various constituent organizations affiliated with the Zionist Organization of America, would represent that body of Zionism which would have to deal with the important questions of Zionist policy. It was an agreement voluntarily entered into.There was no pressure brought to bear by the Zionist Organization; there was no pressure by the Order that the Zionist Organization should enter into the agreement, because everybody felt that in making this agreement and in forming an organization in the United States in which would be included all general Zionists, we were making a contribution to the straightening out of the tangled forces of the Zionist movement in other lands, where factions organize themselves and develop and instead of becoming a strength become a hindrance and are continually engaged in the business of controversy and factional differences. We were under the impression that here in the United States we were in a position where we could avoid all the differences and it was with the hope of establishing a forun in the United States where all general Zionists could come together and talk matters over, and unbindered by previous pledges or promises, come to a sensible understanding. We thought we could contribute a great deal in helping the Zionists on the other side to an understanding of the direction they should take.
“So this agreement was entered into, and we have had a Zionist Organization which at its conventions and which through its Executive and Administrative committees could provide a clearing house for all differences and avoid the congealing of ideas and the creation diferences which are the bane of the Zionist movement. In accordance with the arrangement the Order Sons of Zion is represented at our conventions on a basis of equality with all other Zionists. The Order is represented in the National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization, the Administrative Committee, and we thought we had reaced a position of advantage in Zionist forces, that we had eliminated to a large extent this fire of factional controversy which continually rushes at the heels of every Zionist action and introduces all sorts of difficulties and perplexities.
“And for a number of years that was so. this year especially, in view of the complicated situation in the Zionist movement, it required a great deal of care and attention. A great deal of Zionist knowledge coming from Palestine itself began to come to the United States directly through representatives in Palestine, and the Zionist Organization of America, in which the Order is represented, came to the understanding that it was absolutely essential that if the Zionists of America are to assume more complete responsibility for the upbuilding of the Jewish National Home, we should engage in a free discussion of all questions without prejudice and favor, with a hearing to every party and faction that had something to propose, with a hearing to everyone present. And so through the National Executive Committee, on which were represented members of the Order Sons of Zion, we engaged in a series of discussions, with the idea that the end of the discussion the National Executive Committee would come to the convention without committing itself to any party, but looking at the matter with the judgment that they possessed it would present to the convention of the Zionist Organization a series of legislative acts that would have some weight in the Zionist movement.
“A number of these meetings were held at which various views were expressed. In the midst of these meetings the Order Sons of Zion held a meeting and regardless of the understanding, and regardless of the fact that they were actually represented in our Executive and Administrative Committee for the purpose, without any notice to us that they would take this action or propose to withdraw from the Executive Committee, or act as a faction in the Zionist Committee, and after hearing only one representative of one party or program, committee this Order to that party and to that program.
“The Administrative Committee is of the opinion-and I hereby express its official opinion-that there are no chains binding the Order Sons of Zion to the Zionist Organization of America. An agreement was entered into voluntarily. The Order Sons of Zion is absolutely free to break that agreement or discontinue it without any prejudice or ill feeling. The Order has the right to become an independent body. It can rule its own forces. We may think it is injurious to Zionist interests, but this body can decide it. But if there is to be any breach of the agreement, the proper thing to do would be to make a statement that hereafter it does not intend to abide by any convention proceeding.
“It has been argued that just as any other body of people, the Order Sons of Zion as a body might have the same opinion, but the Order Sons of Zion as a national organization which includes camps, entered into an agreement with the Zionist Organization of America, that in the matter of expressing opinion publicly and conducting its principles, it was to abide by a decision reached in common council. In that common council these views were to be ratified or not ratified, according to the sentiment of the majority of the committee. The Administrative Committee is of the opinion that if it is your intention to maintain your right under the agreement to adopt policies and propagate them throughout out the United States, this agreement naturally falls to the ground and the Zionist organization of America will be compelled to take notice of the fact that the Order Sons of Zion has withdrawn from the agreement. There is no other conclusion the Zionist Organization of America can come to. It there is to be in the United States a development of that same activity which takes place in Europe, of group after group, immediately after a convention or congress, beginning a sabotage on the actions of the convention or congress, then as a matter of course the Zionist Organization of America must protect the decision which it has taken.
“It is not my intention to go into the issues that are involved. The Zionist movement is being carried on not in Downing Street, or the Chancery of any government but in broad view of the public. We sit here and in other conventions and in congresses and we have meetings and newspapers. and everything we do becomes a matter of public record and public impression. There are those who imagine the Zionist movement is a movement of a nationality and it can go on doing its work exactly as all other peoples do their work, as the politics of France or England are carried on, but the Zionist movement has not the properties which are attributed to it in theory. Every word, every article has an effect upon policy, has an effect upon action, and if tomorrow the Zionist Congress may adopt the policy of friendship for the Arabs and the following day the Zionist movement were overrun with views that that policy is wrong. then no matter what the Zionist leaders may say, the resolution of the Congress has absolutely no validity. If 40,000 people decide a thing and then group after group within the Zionist movement carries on an attack upon that decision, that policy of attacking actions and revising Zionist policies between the meetings of the Congress leads us into difficuties that are far beyond any advantage that may be derived out of a free and open discussion.
“It is impossible for me to discuss the questions that were involved in the decisions of the Executive Committee of your Order. but I think it is within my duty to say, not only as representative of the Zionist Organization of America, but of the Zionist Executive, that the Zionist Executive has been as earnestly devoted and as aggressively interested in all the questions that have arisen, in all the points that have been raised with regard to this, that, or the other thing, as any group or party in the Zionist movement. You may attribute to it a lack, a weakness in personality, but as to intentions and views, the Zionist Executive has been as earnestly devoted to these interests as any body could possibly be. And if a body with the responsibility of carrying on, on the one hand an effort with the government to secure better conditions of life in Palestine and on the other side, with Jews who have to provide the means, if they have to act with greater caution than an individual, the Executive that works with caution and care in order that both sides may not suffer is entitled to respectful consideration and not to a continuous volley of attack from the moment it begins the Congress to the moment it comes to the Actions Committee. That is not the way in which Zionist government can best be administered.
“There is not a Zionist in this room that would not like to have in Palestine a Jewish army, a Jewish Legion. To every Zionist who holds within himself the ideal of a Jewish State, who holds within himself the ultimate achievement of the Zionist State, the idea of the Jewish Legion in itself makes a fascinating impression. If this Jewish Legion overthrows the policy of peace, and the conception we have impressed upon non-Jews living in England with regard to the Zionist movement, that we come into Palestine with the idea of peacefully conquering the country, without use of violence, turning the swords into plow-shares, and if this Legion overthrows that, I say for myself and I think for every Zionist, that we can afford to wait with that fascinating impression until the times are more propitious, until we have acquired an arsenal of peace against which the Jewish Legion can appear and stand as an outstanding feature of our enterprise.
“Our main difficulty is not the lack of ideas. It is that we in the Zionist movement have not been able to gather together that moral strength that will make an impression upon the non-Zionist who will come to the support of the Jewish national home. We have not the moral strength to draw into the movement thousands upon thousands of Jews that may be susceptible if this power that is necessary to make the right sort of impression, were there.
“We were thinking here and even in London when I was there recently, that the most important thing we could achieve in the Zionist movement would be achieve in the Zionist movement would be the unification and consolidation of our interests, not that there should be a Mizrachi, a Poale Zion and Revisionist group, but there should be a consolidated Zionist movement in which everyone will give his support to the one thing.
“But we thought that here in the United States where Zionists were on friendly terms, that we would be able to establish a situation which would redound to the benefit not only of the Zionist movement but to the parties which are objecting to this procedure. The letter which i sent to the Executive Committee of the Order presented to the Order exactly what our decision is. We are friends of the Order and I challenge anybody to assert that the Zionist Organization of America has in any way had conflicts or differences with the Order Sons of Zion except those artificially created in order to make differences. I hope that there will be created here an opinion that will strengthen that which we all desire.
“We desire to see in the United States a movement which through sensible tactics, through unified effort, through common understanding, will establish a force that will conquer for the Zionist movement this large Jewish population upon which the future of the movement depends. It is not our fault that all the hopes for the financing force in Palestine direct themselves to us. It is not our fault that the Jews in America are prosperous; that the Jews in Europe are not in that position. The obligation comes to us, with all our efforts to devote ourselves to the strengthening of the Zionist position, to the breaking up of different parts and parties but to the consolidation of all forces that will build a Jewish national home that will reflect credit upon us and upon future generations,” Mr. Lipsky concluded.
“I have the honor to extend to you greetings in the name of the Central Committee of the League of Zionist-Revisionists.” Mr. Jabotinsky began. “I am sure that I also interpret the opinion and the feeling of many European Zionists of all parties when I tell you that over there in Europe. Zionist public opinion is watching with the greatest interest and admiration. The constructive efforts of your Order which are going to enrich Palestine and open to the Zionist movement new avenues of constructive activity. Especially with regard to two of your efforts have I been instructed to refer to : one is the attempt to tap one stream of Jewish financial energy which up to now Zionism has been dreaming of obtaining since Herzl’s day. When I speak of this energy I mean the money the Jew devotes to savings. These amounts run into millions, perhaps billions, and this money, through the channels of insurance companies, goes to enriching foreign countries. Herzl was the first to dream of devoting this money to the rebuilding of Palestine. Now. the Order has taken the initiative in this direction and it must be said that the first steps of the Judea Insurance Company in Palestine have proven that this has the support and the confidence of that most skeptical of all Jews in the world-the Palestine Jew. Also the second effort-the Near East Exhibition-has a great idea behind it. It is an attempt to foster the movement to buy Palestine products in the Diaspora. The exhibition shows what Palestine can produce even in its present stage and sell in foreign markets, and to establish a constant exchange between Palestine and the Diaspora. If these two efforts bear the fruits they deserve, it will be a great source of pride to you to belong or to have belonged to the Order Sons of Zion.
“At the beginning of my Zionist activity, at the Sixth Congress in Basle, I saw an immortal figure-Herzl. He suggested to me first of all the eagle’s look covering tremendous distances. I see something of the shadow of that great figure and I am sure that this shadow blesses, permeated with the real Herzl spirit.
“When we started the propaganda of the Zionist Revisionism which enjoys the approval of some among you, we did it with both eyes on the main issue, that is, the safety and the entirety of the Zionist Organization. We decided that in every step taken by us we would support ourselves by the great Zionist traditions. Behind us we have already fourteen Congress periods of Zionist development. The Zionist movement has already evolved its traditions. Some of these are glorious ones. Now we are going to act in accordance with these traditions. One of these has been always the free discussion and the formulating of divergent opinions. so that they should be brought before the Congress.
“I was glad to see, when I came to this country, that among the official leadership of the Zionist Organization of America there is the same tendency and I was glad to hear this intention reaffirmed by the President of the Zionist Organization of America at this convention. He informed you that it was his intention to get the Zionist Organization to formulate certain opinions which might find favor with some and disfavor with others.The Zionist Organization of America, being only a part of the World Zionist Organization, has the right and duty to formulate its opinions before the Congress; to formulate principles and new views, and although it was decided not to permit me to appear before the convention of the Zionist Organization with greetings. I tender them now. We belong to the Zionist Organization of America, belongs to the World Zionist Organization , so any part of the Zionist Organization of America has the right to formulate its views.
“As to Mr. Lipsky’s opinion that a sort of divorce between the Zionist Organization and the Order Sons of Zion may result. I may say that this question has been considered by those who formulated the statutes of the Zionist Organization. According to these statutes any part of a local organization which did not proclaim itself as a separate unit, “Sonderverband,” belongs in that general class called Landsmanschaften. The Zionist Organization of America comes under this category, In body, it does not this category. In body, it does not belong to this Sonderverband, but to that Landsmanschaft which in America is called the Zionist Organization of America. The statute foresees that there may be some discussion about it.In these cases it is not the Zionist Organization of America which decides, it is the Congress which decides a body which is in existence every day of the week and to which any group may appeal. That body judge: dispassionately and that body stand: with both feet on free discussion Free formulation of opinion is the backbone of the Zionist tradition. It has been our tradition always to fight for great issues between congresses because our congress is a body which meets once in two years for a few weeks. A great many-seventy-seven-problems stand before the Congress Therefore it is most unfair to spring new problems. It would be unfair and would place the Congress in an impossible position. Great issues can not be decided. Therefore these issues must be adopted before the Congress. So it has always been.
“You remember the body called that Democratic faction at the Fifth Congress, led by Dr. Weizmann, which criticized the Congress and the procedure of the Executive. You remember the great Uganda crisis. We must do justice to the Ja-sagers who voted for the Uganda. Herzl and Nordau thought of it not as a revolution to change the object of the Zionist Organization, but as a side-issue. That was a decision passed at the Sixth Congress by a great majority. On the morrow of that Congress they began-Dr. Weizmann, Sokolow. Sokolsky, Georg Halpern-a tremendous propaganda against the decision to adopt the Uganda.
“It was a glorious precedent. It has entered into the bone of the Zionist tradition. Supported by this beautiful, useful, historical tradition of Zionist activity. we, the Revisionists, have decided upon an educational campaign of the Jewish people between the Congresses, so that when from every country delegates will come who have to deal with questions and objects, they will also be able to vote consciously and conscientiously on political problems. Besides, if you take up the whole Revisionist program. I don’t think you will find in it any point in direct contradiction to the Congress, with one exception. The Congress passed a resolution concerning the extension of the Jewish Agency. To my great pleasure, in several statements issued by the Zionist Organization and published in the official press. we have read that that scheme passed by the last Congress, in view of certain new developments and facts, ought to be revised. that certain new conditions ought to be introduced. It means that even in the very loyal Zionist Organization of America, represented by its very loyal representatives, and at least one of them is a member of the Executive elected by the Thirteenth or Fourteenth Congress, if a decision has been passed by the Congress before certain things happened it is quite lawful to say that that decision ought to be revised. I think this is what we are doing with regard to this decision of the Congress. Extension of the Agency-Yes. As to the conditions of the thing, that has to be done in accordance with latest experiences.
“Another important question is the one of peace and order in Palestine. We are, as everybody is, in favor of peace and order in Palestine. More,without peace, without education for peace, we cannot hope to build up mutual cooperation, a neighborly life, because it is evident that for centuries, state or no state, we will have to live in friendship with the Arabs. We are all for peace, but we consider that peace has to be supported by a certain apparatus of peace. That is. the force which is at the disposal of the government to enforce order. In the opinion of that most important and most experienced body in Palestine, the Vaad Ha’Leumi, the present day appartus at the disposal of the British government for keeping order, consisting of 1,000 Englishmen, about 228 Jews and about 1,500 Mohammedans, is not a sufficient apparatus. Acting in accordance with this finest expert opinion on the situation in Palestine, we have embarked upon the policy which Mr. Lipsky has described under a current name.
“Last March the Vaad Ha’Leumi decided to make efforts that the garrison of Palestine should be strengthened by the creation of a Jewish military unit. We consider that in supporting this resolution of the Vaad Ha’Leumi, which lives on the spot and knows the best means of protecting order,-may be mistaken or not-we stick to the opinion of the local experts who were elected by the universal suffrage of Palestine, by men and women of the Yishub. If there are any who object, let them address their rebuke to the Vaad Ha’Leumi, where the majority are Zionists, Poale Zionists and Mizrachi. We consider that the best means of keeping a country in peace is to keep a sufficiently large fire brigade which should be able to extinguish any fire, and if it cannot be supplied in sufficient numbers by the British Government, it is up to the Jew to offer his services to fill in the gaps.
“It only remains for me to tell you that as a loyal member of the World Zionist Organization, speaking in the name of the League which considers itself a loyal part of the World Zionist Organization, I greet you, another loyal part of the World Zionist Organization, Our loyalty consists in this : in acting we act as one. That is why I am sorry that I cannot follow the advice given me here to go and reprimand the British Government instead of striking at the Zionists. I have no right to appear before the British Government. May I boast that in this country of America, many American papers would be open to me and I could achieve greater results by conducting my propaganda in an English newspaper May I mention to you that in London the same thing applies to the English newspapers, where I could express our voice. But no one will ever point out any article on Revisionism written by me or any of my associates outside of the Jewish press. It is the Executive of the Zionist Congress that has to do with the British Government. I have no right, Mr. Lipsky, and you have no right, to speak to the foreigner, to the stranger. Talk to the Jew-from you to him, from him to the Congress, from the Congress to the Executive, the Executive will speak.
“There is another loyalty: loyalty of expression. If you have certain doubts that perhaps the leadership of the Zionist Organization is not what it ought to be, it would be unfair to the movement and the Executive to withhold your criticism, and then spring it upon them at the Congress. If they have to be ‘Baal Ha’Baatim,’ they must first of all know the mind of the crowd. Crystallize your opinion in decisions of public bodies, well pondered, and submit them, making those people who work for you at least know what you think. They will be able to compare notes, maybe they will change their attitude. This is loyalty to leaders and loyalty to movement. Stick to that real loyalty which can be compressed into one word ‘Emes’,” Mr.Jabotinsky concluded.
In reviewing the activities of the Order Sons of Zion, Mr. Sol. Friedland, the Nasi, declared in his report:
“In my message to the Convention of 1925, I discussed the negation of our rights under the Mandate. I specifically stressed the withholding of the crownlands, the refusal to allot the full quota due us under the educational budget, the stringent immigration restrictions and the appointing of a High Commissioner without taking the Zionist Organization into confidence.
“The Messsage received the approval of the Convention.
“During the past twelve months the inarticulate dissatisfaction on the part of the Zionists was more definitely formulated. Responsible Jewish bodies have raised their voices in protest against certain commissions or omissions on the part of the Mandatory Power in derogation of our privileges. and have embodied their sentiments in no unmistakable terms. In Palestine, the foremost among these bodies was the Vaad ha-Leumi, which went to the extent of sending a special delegation to the League of Nations in order that its claims may be properly presented. In Europe, the group that was most spirited in emphasizing its demands is the so-called Revisionists Group.
“The representatives of our Order. realizing their responsibility as the heads of an influential body of loyal Zionists, have always felt that their attitude in the matter should be made certain and positive, and that the voice of our Organization must be heard.
“Availing themselves of the presence in this country of the spokesman of the Revisionists Group, Mr. Vladimir Jabotinsky, your officers invited this eminent scholar and statesman to a public meeting for the purpose of discussing this question with him and to obtain a still more clarified idea about this most important subject in the Zionist movement.
After due deliberation, the Executive Committee, on the first day of April, 1926, passed the following resolution:
“‘ Resolved, That we endorse the program of the League of Zionist-Revisionists and that the Nasi appoint a Committee of five to work out a plan of propaganda among the Camps for that purpose, and submit the same for adoption at our next convention.’
“We are happy to note that on the 7th of this month the Zionist Organization of the World, through its courageous and indefatigable President, our beloved Dr. Chaim Weizmann, has made open representations to the Mandate Commission of the League of Nations meeting in Geneva with regard to some of the grievances the Zionists bear towards the Mandatory Power.
“These representations, couched in dignified, diplomatic language, though not covering, in our opinion, all the essentials of the political situation, are nevertheless clear of expression, forceful and emphatic, as befits the head of a great movement.
“We believe that this was a step in the right direction, in our peaceful struggle for the triumph of our just political claims, and we desire to assure our President that he has the full support of this great body in every positive claim formulated in his letter to the League of Nations.
“At the same time, this example prompts us, as it will, we hope, prompt all true Zionists, to seek further for even a fuller expression of our grievances and of our just demands with regards to the political conditions indispensable for the attainment of our historic goal. In the full consciousness of my duty and responsibility, I have the honor in the name of the Executive Committee of the Order Sons of Zion, respectfully to recommend to this Convention the ratification of the above mentioned resolution.
“The Judea Industrial Corporation under the leadership of its indefatigable President, Hon. Jacob S. Strahl, and the able management of Brother Samuel Mason, has made wonderful progress during the past twelve months. The capital stock thereof which was increased to one million dollars has been almost fully subscribed for.
“Last year the icoming Executive was instructed by the Convention to take such measures whereby the Order as such should be able to legally control the Judea Industrial Corporation. A Committee consisting of Mr. Samuel Weinstein, counsel of the Order, Mr. Leo Wolfson, former counsel of the Order, and your Nasi, has met for the purpose of devising such ways and means. In addition legal opinion of the highest talent in the profession was sought. I regret to inform you that it was found to be impossible to effect such legal control as aslted by the last Convention.
“However, I desire to inform you that most of the stock is in the hands of members of the Order, and that the overwhelming majority of the members of the Order are stockholders in the Judea.
“The Judea Insurance Co., Ltd., owned and controlled by the Judea Industrial Corporation, is making marvelous progress. In the twelve months of its first year’s operation it has written $1,225,500 of insurance. Its funds are invested in mortgages and in Tel-Aviv bonds. We hope that the excellent start made by the Judea Insurance Co. will be a forerunner of further successes and that its progress will be a great factor in the rebuilding of our Homeland.
“Our compliments are extended to the Directors of the Judea Industrial Corporation and the Judea Insurance Co., Ltd.
“I feel constrained to add that a good deal of the success thereof is due to Brothers Max Fanwik and Leopold Kehlman in lending the aid of their financial standing in the commercial world to the Corporation.”
The Baltimore Park Board will erect a pavilion in Memorial Grove in Druid Hill Park as a memorial to Merrit Rosenfeld, son of the late Israel Rosenfeld, who bequeathed $10,000 to the board to erect a memorial to his son who was killed in the World War.
The Jewish community of Hollywood, Fla., will erect a synagogue at a cost of $50,000. Mr. Young. the founder of Hollywood, has pledged half the erection cost. Mr. Tankin is president of the congregation.
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The Archive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency includes articles published from 1923 to 2008. Archive stories reflect the journalistic standards and practices of the time they were published.