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The National Council of Jewish Juniors today Inaugurates a nation-wide observance of November as Council Month. During this period, emphasis will be laid upon a three-fold program: community social service, a 10,000 membership campaign and an aggressive peace program. A national executive office has been opened in New York City and the various local sections […]

October 28, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The National Council of Jewish Juniors today Inaugurates a nation-wide observance of November as Council Month. During this period, emphasis will be laid upon a three-fold program: community social service, a 10,000 membership campaign and an aggressive peace program. A national executive office has been opened in New York City and the various local sections will co-operate with the National Council of Jewish Women, the parent organization, in the promotion of national and international welfare work.

This Sunday is also a great day in the social life of the Sisterhood of the Congregation Beth Israel of Richmond Hill, L. I. The annual Community Capers are held tonight at eight o’clock at the Community Center. Mrs. Belle Joseph is chairman of the entertainment committee. Net proceeds of the event will enable the Sisterhood to continue its manifold philanthropic activities. Officers of the organization are: Mrs. Agusta B. Dunieff, president, Mrs. Blanche J. Marx, recording secretary and Mrs. Mollie Diringer, corresponding secretary. Meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Community Center, Eighty-eighth avenue and 102nd street, Richmond Hill.

The Queens Village Chapter of Junior Hadassah has just elected the following officers: Beatrice Fiedelbaum, president; Eva Diamond, vice-president; Florence Grossberger, treasurer; Gladys Berlow, recording secretary; Eva Kallen, coresponding secetary.

The Bronx Junior Hadassah, newly organized Bronx Young Women’s Hebrew Association chapter, is already engaged in an energetic membership-drive. Newly elected officers of this group are: Frieda Rich, president; Martha R. Kesler, vice-president; Florence Krentar, corresponding secretary; Roslyn Gulack, recording secretary; Eva Andottin, treasurer.

The First Daughters of Abraham held a card party last Monday afternoon at the Pythian Temple, Jamaica. Mrs. Mollie Goldenberg was hostess to 150 guests. A major prize, donated by Mrs. Rose Winokur, was won by Mrs. Fannie Bruck. The proceeds of the card party will benefit the group’s activities in the social welfare field.

The Sisterhood of Young Israel, at a meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lillian Goldman, of Jamaica planned its winter activities. The Sisterhood has decided to take an active interest in all civic and welfare problems of the communty.

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