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Pacific Coast Bnai Brith Lodges Open Convention

The sixty-sixth annual convention of Grand Lodge District No. 4, Independent Order B’nai B’rith was opened here today at the Hotel Oakland. Sessions will continue until Tuesday, June 25. Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin, president of the District, will deliver the sermon tonight at Temple Sinai, following registration of delegates, coming from eight western states and […]

June 23, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The sixty-sixth annual convention of Grand Lodge District No. 4, Independent Order B’nai B’rith was opened here today at the Hotel Oakland. Sessions will continue until Tuesday, June 25.

Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin, president of the District, will deliver the sermon tonight at Temple Sinai, following registration of delegates, coming from eight western states and British Columbia,. which occupied the first day of the convention.

The convention proper will open its deliberations on Sunday morning.

The women’s auxiliaries are meeting simultaneously.

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