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Palestine Rail Service Suspends After Dark to Cut Losses from Terrorist Bombings

Following a one-day suspension of service because of bomb damage, the Palestine Government announced that all rail traffic will halt after dark. The move was taken because of the severe damage and casualties in the past ten days as the result of the explosion of mines planted on the roadbed by the Irgun Zvai Leumi. […]

November 10, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Following a one-day suspension of service because of bomb damage, the Palestine Government announced that all rail traffic will halt after dark.

The move was taken because of the severe damage and casualties in the past ten days as the result of the explosion of mines planted on the roadbed by the Irgun Zvai Leumi.

This morning an explosion tore up a section of track on the Jerusalem-Lydda line near Ramleh, but there were no casualties. During the night two road mines exploded near Givat Brenner despite the Irgun’s announcement that it was discontinuing mining roads and would concentrate on the rail network.

The Haganah radio “Voice of Israel” said tonight that the release of the Jewish Agency leaders was “not bought at the price of denunciations to the White Paper government, but terrorism will be fought by internal methods.” At the same time, the broadcast warned the military authorities that retaliatory terror on their part will have the opposite results of that desired.

More than 1,500 Jewish employees of diamond polishing factories at Nathanya went on strike today to protest a cut in the work week from six day to three-and-a-half.

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