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Pica Adds $500,000 to Its 1930 Budget for Special Expenditures in Palestine Work

I have learned today on unimpeachable authority, that the Pica budget for 1930, in addition to the usual sum, lists extraordinary items totaling over half a million dollars devoted to housing, irrigation, metalled arterial roads and general expansion projects. The colonies of upper and lower Galilee will benefit by this action of the oldest Jewish […]

November 12, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

I have learned today on unimpeachable authority, that the Pica budget for 1930, in addition to the usual sum, lists extraordinary items totaling over half a million dollars devoted to housing, irrigation, metalled arterial roads and general expansion projects.

The colonies of upper and lower Galilee will benefit by this action of the oldest Jewish colonizing agency in Palestine. Though Pica colonies suffered comparatively small damages in the riots, the extraordinary budget is an impressive reply to the destruction of the creations of the Jewish setters.

Further information from an excellent source, reveals that the large sum available through Pica has been donated by a religious French Jew for the purpose of settling twenty religious families in Palestine on private farms. Several families, including Russian refugees in Paris, have already been chosen for the work, beginning at once.

Pica, which has long been noted for its religious interest, is also rushing to completion the plans for synagogues in colonies in an interesting modern style of functional architecture.

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