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Poland Arrests Nara Leaders

Spurred on by the assassination of Col. Bronislaw Pieracki, Minister of the Interio# and one of the dominant figures in the government bloc, Polish officials continued on a determined program of suppressing the anti-Jewish, anti-Pilsudski factions which have been responsible for the excesses of recent weeks. The Polish government is determined on drastic measures to […]

June 19, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Spurred on by the assassination of Col. Bronislaw Pieracki, Minister of the Interio# and one of the dominant figures in the government bloc, Polish officials continued on a determined program of suppressing the anti-Jewish, anti-Pilsudski factions which have been responsible for the excesses of recent weeks.

The Polish government is determined on drastic measures to suppress criminal manifestations, Premier Kozlowski declared at the funeral services today for Col. Pieracki.

“Irrespective of who the criminal is or whence he comes, the moral blame for the murder falls on all preparing an atmosphere of terror,” he declared.

“The arm of the State will reach all the guilty.”

Arrests of Nara leaders continued today with most of the National Radical headquarters in Warsaw closed by the police. The grey Nara uniforms common in the streets a week ago had practically disappeared from the streets today.

The Gazeta Warszawska, organ of the National Democrats (Endeks) who like the Naras, have been making their attack on the government through the medium of assaults on the Jews, complained today that Endeks also were being arrested in the round-up of Naras.

The government will establish three concentration camps in the neighborhood of Brest-Litovsk, Losice and Olkusz to hold the arrested Naras in line with its determination to root out subversive activities. A decree to this effect, signed by the state president and members of the cabinet, was issued today.

Editors of the Stafeta, the Nara paper whose plant was closed down by the authorities last week, unsuccessfully tried to find another press in Warsaw but were given the cold shoulder by the printers in the city. It was reported tonight that they were seeking a printer in the provinces.


Jewish leaders and representatives of Jewish communal institutions participated extensively today in the services honoring Pieracki, whose body, dressed in the uniform of a general, the rank to which he was posthumously promoted, lay in state in the cathedral here.

The rabbinate ordered Jewish shops to close during the funeral. The presidents and vice-presidents of all the larger Jewish communities in Poland met in Warsaw to honor the slain statesman and decided to march in the funeral procession.

Community leaders also paid tribute to the memory of Jechezeil Delman, who died as a result of wounds inflicted when a gang of Naras attacked him in the Prowonzki district of Warsaw.

Cardinal Kakowski, Archbishop of Warsaw, who rebuffed a delegation of rabbis who urged him to use his influence to prevent anti-Jewish excesses, yesterday preached in the Powonzki church and exhorted the Poles to live in peaceful cooperation with their Jewish neighbors.

The whole Jewish community cannot be held responsible for those Jews abandoning their religion, he declared. Powonzki was the center of excesses which reached a pogrom state in the last ten days.

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