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Rabin Prepared to Begin Talks to Form New Coalition Government

April 30, 1974
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Labor Party leader Yitzhak Rabin is expected to begin negotiations tomorrow aimed at forming a new coalition based on the outgoing government partnership. The fact that Rabin, who may be Israel’s next Premier, will be participating in the talks with U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger later in the week, is expected to delay coalition talks somewhat, observers noted. But Rabin is said to be determined to form a new government as speedily as possible, even if it becomes evident that new elections will have to be held before the end of the year.

Rabin and the new generation of party leaders he represents do not want the present care-taker government to remain in office longer than necessary. The longer the old regime stays in office, political observers say, the more likely it is to try to erode Rabin’s leadership. Thus. Rabin will make a major effort to conclude coalition talks–first with the National Religious Party and then with the Independent Liberals.

The Labor Party is more determined than ever to make no further concessions to the NRP on the Who is a Jew issue. The agreement reached between Premier Golda Meir and the NRP when she formed her last government in March is considered operative for a new government and the matter will not be re-opened as far as Labor is concerned.

Should the NRP balk, Rabin is expected to proceed immediately to try to form a government without them. He may be able to do this by Joining forces with the ILP and Mrs. Shulamit Aloni’s Civil Rights Party. Such a combination would mean a government based on only 61 of the 120 Knesset seats. No government is expected to survive for long with so slim a margin and it would in fact be nothing more than a Rabin-led care-taker regime holding office until new elections are held.

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