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Regions 3 and 5 Prepare for Their Campaigns in United Palestine Appeal

January 27, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

Region Five of the United Palestine Appeal, comprising westem Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and West Virginia, began its effort to raise its share of the $7,500,000 goal for 1927 at a regional conference held at the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. here. Delegates from fifty communities were present. The conference was presided over by Adolph Edlis, well known Zionist of this city.

Morris Neaman, Executive Secretary of the Pitisburgh United Palestine Appeal Burean, reported that $102,000 had been remitted to the United Palestine Appeal from the region during 1926. while the sum of about $25,000 additional is estimated to have been remitted by the various communities to the Hadassah. National Fund. University Fund and other constituent funds of the United Palestine Appeal.

The conference confirmed the quota of $250,000 for 1927 assumed by the regional representatives at the National Conference at Boston.

Charles J. Rosenbloom was elected chairman of the Region Executive Committee; Honorary Vice-Chairmen, Rabbi Herman Hailperin, Rabbi W. Leiter, Rabbi M. A. Levin, Rabbi B. A. Lichter and Rabbi Goodman A. Rose; Vice-Chairmen. Abe Seder, Adolph Edlis, Edgar Kaufmann, Dr. M. B. Lichtenstein. Emil Steinbach, Max Engelberg and Mrs.Julius H. Cohen : Executive Secretaries, Morris Neaman and Mrs. A. H. Vixman; Treasuren, Bennie Neiman; Associate Treasurer, Max Azen.

In addition to the above, one representative from each community in the region is to be named as a member of the Regional Executive Committee.

The Pittsburgh Campaign is set for March 20th to April 3rd. The conference was addressed by Louis Lipsky and Isador Kadis of the national office, who will direct the campaigns in the region.

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