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Roumanian Jewish Settlement Reached

The Roumanian universities, the scenes of the recent anti-Jewish outbreaks, which were closed in consequence of the disturbances will be reopened March 15, it was announced today. Pending an arrangement for obtaining Jewish corpses for dissection for the anatomy classes of the medical schools, the issue which contributed to the recent disturbances, Minister of Education […]

March 5, 1923
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Roumanian universities, the scenes of the recent anti-Jewish outbreaks, which were closed in consequence of the disturbances will be reopened March 15, it was announced today.

Pending an arrangement for obtaining Jewish corpses for dissection for the anatomy classes of the medical schools, the issue which contributed to the recent disturbances, Minister of Education Anghelescu has advised the Jewish students to absent themselves from the classes.

The Roumanian officials have also promised to release the agitators who were arrested following the trouble, on condition that all of the students pledge themselves to continue to preserve the order marking the last fortnight.

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