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Roumanian Professors Speak Frankly of Governments Responsibility for Anti-jewish Excesses

May 2, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin Mail Service)

Frank language has been used by a group of forty professors of Jassy University in their memorandum submitted to the Minister of the Interior condemning the anti-Semitic excesses carried on by the students.

“For a long time,” the memorandum says, “the normal procedure of our university has been interrupted by a section of the students who think that by means of agitations, strikes and acts of violence they will be able to settle problems of State which have nothing to do with the work of the universities. The results are very deplorable in regard to the education of the young and is fraught with grave danger to the future of the country. Unfortunately, no serious steps have been taken to combat the danger, and things have gone so far that the relations between the professors and the students, instead of being those of collaborators in the search for a common ideal of culture and progress, are such that some students have lost all respect for the professors. Under such conditions, the university cannot carry on its work properly.

“The students who indulge in disturbances.have come to the conclusion that they are permitted to do anything without fear of punishment. Much precious time is being lost and the students are going out into life without proper education and preparation for their work. The professors are compelled in defence of their lives to fight the students with weapons in their hands. The case of Professor Rescanu who was attacked in his laboratory by a group of students with cudgels and who was compelled to defend himself with a revolver is not an isolated one. The basis of University life has been undermined. It is clear that the State is not in a position to maintain order. It is no wonder that the professors are forced to adopt such measures. It is the duty of the professors to put a stop to these disturbances. The professors are able to clear the University of the disturbing elements by an extensive use of the power of expulsion.

“The settlement of the students’ question depends very much upon you, as the Minister of the Interior. The students must not find encouragement on the part of the authorities, or of public opinion. You can make representations to the higher authorities that they should take severe measures to preserve order, and to see that nothing should be done or said which will encourage this anarchistic movement. There must he no material or moral aid for these agitators who are doing damage to Roumania and Roumanian culture.”

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