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Royal Commission Seen Abandoning Absorptive Capacity Principle

March 29, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The political correspondent of Lord Rothermere’s Sunday Dispatch predicted today the Royal Commission’s findings in its recent Palestine investigation would include abandonment of the absorptive capacity principle of Jewish immigration and establishment of a legislative council with wide powers.

He also said that strengthening of direct British rule is foreseen and weakening of dependence on the League of Nations.”

“I am in a position to foreshadow the principles on which the findings will be based,” the Dispatch said. “The principles unanimously agreed are regulation of immigration on the basis of an approximation of an annual quota, thus abandoning the principle of capacity for absorption and including all immigration categories in one annual figure.

“A legislative council will also be appointed with wider power than those envisaged by Wauchope in November, 1935. The strengthening of direct British rule is foreseen and weakening of dependence on the League of Nations.”

The writer expressed the belief that Lord Peel, chairman of the Royal Commission, favors the division of Palestine into geographical areas, or cantonments, each with a different legislature, but he added that this view was not unanimous.

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