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Says Zionists See No Chance of Continued Cooperation with the Non-zionists

August 15, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Zionists are convinced that there are no prospects of continued cooperation with the non-Zionists and the latter are not un-pleased to discontinue the agreement, alleges the Hebrew daily, “Doar Hayom,” today, quoting an “authoritative source.”

Opining that the recent statement of Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, characterizing the Jewish Agency as unrepresentative, and the supposed admission of the Jewish Agency’s collapse by Kurt Blumenfeld, president of the German Zionist Federation, foreshadow a decisive retreat of the official Zionists from the Jewish Agency, the “Doar Hayom” says that Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Jewish Agency and of the world Zionist Organization, has intimated through friends that he favors a firmer stand concerning Great Britain but that his colleagues are preventing it.

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