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Schwartzbard’s French Neighbors Petition Court in His Behalf

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The preliminary examination of witnesses in the Schwartzbard case was completed by Magistrate Peyre yesterday. No more witnesses will be called, it was declared and it is probable that the trial will be opened in January. An interesting document, illustrating the attitude of French public opinion toward the Schwartzbard case was submitted […]

November 19, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The preliminary examination of witnesses in the Schwartzbard case was completed by Magistrate Peyre yesterday. No more witnesses will be called, it was declared and it is probable that the trial will be opened in January.

An interesting document, illustrating the attitude of French public opinion toward the Schwartzbard case was submitted to the tribunal by the French residents in the neighborhood where the Schwartzbard family lived. The petition read as follows:

“We, the undersigned, neighbors of Sholom Schwartzbard, knowing his life and character, assume guarantee for his perfect, unblemished morality, probity, generosity and goodness. We express our profound sympathy for his family, whose dignity in a cruel situation evokes the admiration of all their acquaintances.”

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