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Senator Wheeler Urges U.S. to Use Influence for Greater Palestine Immigration

February 14, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, addressing a Brooklyn United Palestine Appeal Conference at the Hotel St. George today, urged the United States, in view of the persecution of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, to “exert its influence in favor of allowing maximum Jewish immigration into Palestine.”

“The Jewish people is passing through a dismally dark period in its history, a period in which its need for Palestine is pressing,” he said. “We in the United States must not be indifferent to our obligations. The voice of enlightened America, the voice of liberalism, must speak in behalf of Palestine that will in turn regenerate the Jewish people.”

Declaring the forces seeking the destruction of the Jews were also seeking the destruction of democracy and Christianity, Senator Wheeler asserted that the spread of anti-Semitism in Rumania and elsewhere was partly the fault of “the forces of enlightenment” for not sufficiently opposing anti-Jewish prejudice.

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