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Sholem Asch Urges Relief for Polish Jews As “rebuke to Enemy”

April 29, 1937
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Relief for the Jews of Poland as a “rebuke to the enemy” and as evidence they are backed by “the spirit of a united Jewry” was urged tonight by Sholem Asch, the author, at a reception in the Hotel Astor given by the Joint Distribution Committee, in whose behalf he arrived here last week.

This support, Mr. Asch declared, will serve to convince the Polish Government that “her dream of evacuating 3,000,000 of her people will cost her more dearly than the reality which she has been afraid to face,” namely the reality of the existence of these people.

“The greatest and most important asset of the Polish Jews is their faith in themselves,” he said. Mr. Asch declared the reason for the notion of superfluity of the Polish Jews was that “Jewish life and Jewish honor have become defenseless” because of the Jews’ unprotected position and the spread of Hitlerism.

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