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Situation in Palestine Considerably Improved, States Dr. Weizmann, at Actions Committee Meeting


The political position of the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine, as well as the position of the Zionist movement in general has considerably improved, according to a statement made today by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, at the first meeting of the Actions Committee of that organization, which opened here today. This improvement is due, he declared, to the constructive work done by the Zionist Organization in Palestine, and to the general improvement in world politics.

The recent events in the Near East have contributed greatly toward the favorable charge of opinion in influential English circles towards the matter of Palestine, Dr. Weizmann further stated. Another reason for the improvement of the situation is the firmer policy taken by the Palestinian Government, which is enabling the Zionist Organization to proceed with its work without embarrassment. Recent negotiations with representatives of the English Government have convinced the Zionist leader that the Jews may expect the greatest encouragement and the fulfillment of the Mandate, according to its letter and spirit, stated Dr. Weizmann.

The present British Government is not opposed toward increasing the Jewish immigration into Palestine. It is necessary, the before, Dr. Weizmann stated, to take advantage of the favorable circumstances to enlarge the colonization work, and to meet the needs of the Jewish emigrants, especially since the doors of the United States have been closed to them.

Dr. Weizmann reported to the Actions Committee the results of his visit to the United States on behalf of the Palestine Foundation Fund, and stated that he had nothing but praise for the generosity displayed by all classes of American Jewry.

American Jewry, Dr. Weizmann stated, is in a position to provide sufficient funds to bring about the upbuilding of Palestine within twenty-five years, so that the Jewish National Homeland should be able to absorb the largest part of those Jewish emigrants who are forced out of their old homes and are in need of homes.

The Zionist leader further outlined a program providing economic opportunities for the expected immigrants. New industries are to be created in Palestine, and the natural resources of the country are to be widely exploited.

Concerning the financial position of the Zionist Organization, Dr. Weizmann reported that it has been considerably improved. The Organization is now in a position to meet its budget. However, this is only the beginning of the work, he declared. The Keren Hayesod has, so far, reached practically only 10% of the Jews in the world.

Dr. Weizmann then submitted his plan concerning the formation of the Jewish Agency, as reported in a previous despatch of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and stated that it is necessary to reorganize the entire Zionist machinery in Palestine. The unification of the work must be introduced, and an end must be put to the monopoly enjoyed by certain labor organizations, concluded Dr. Weizmann.

Mr. Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the Executive, was the next speaker. He pointed out the danger to the Zionist cause arising from the campaign being carried on by the Agudath Israel. This organization, Sokolow declared, is breaking the united front of the Jews in Palestine, and it is necessary either to fight it or conciliate it.

He further stated that it was important for the Zionist Organization to remain in close touch with the League of Nations, whose influence is steadily increasing.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Chajes, Chief Rabbi of Vienna, who delivered memorial addresses for Dr. Theodore Herzl, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death and for Madam Rebecca Sokolow, the late wife of Mr. Nahum Sokolow.

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