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Smuts Assures Zionists of New England of His Help

A delegation of leading Zionists of New England, headed by Dr. Hyman Morrison, president of the Region, yesterday presented General Jan Christian Smuts, former premier of South Africa, with an address inscribed on parchment and representing the tribute of the Zionists of New England. “You come of a racial stock that has ever held dear […]

January 8, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A delegation of leading Zionists of New England, headed by Dr. Hyman Morrison, president of the Region, yesterday presented General Jan Christian Smuts, former premier of South Africa, with an address inscribed on parchment and representing the tribute of the Zionists of New England.

“You come of a racial stock that has ever held dear the principle of human liberty,” says the address. “We remember that your ancestors offered a haven of refuge for all the oppressed, and extended hospitality to Jews fleeing from religious bigotry and persecution, and to the Pilgrim Fathers seeking freedom of worship and liberty of conscience. We pay homage to you because of your achievements in South Africa, where, under your leadership, your people, aspiring to national self-expression and cultural autonomy succeeded in realizing this ideal and proved that it is possible for different people to live amicably side by side. From this human experience we Jews derive courage.”

“I wish to assure you I have not chaged one iota or one jot as to my opinion on the Jewish National Home in Palestine,” said General Smuts in response to the address. “Of course I realize the difficulties existing between Jews and Arabs, but as a solution has been found in the past, so I am sure a solution will be found again in the future. I have profound faith in the Zionist cause because I know it is just and righteous. I assure you I will treasure this document.”

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