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Soviet Violinist Oistrakh Cheered in Israel on His First Concert

March 16, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

David Oistrakh, the Soviet violinist, who is a Jew, was cheered here last night when he gave his first concert in Israel beginning a tour throughout the country that will include 11 recitals in 15 days. He performed two concertos with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra at the event sponsored by the Soviet Ambassador Dimitri Chuvakhin. Among the 3, 000 persons in the crowded Mann Auditorium was Israel’s Foreign Minister Abba Eban.

After the concert, Mr. Eban and the virtuoso exchanged remarks about the desirability of improved cultural relations between Israel and the USSR, at a reception given for the violinist at the Dan Hotel here. The Foreign Minister expressed the hope that Israeli-Soviet cultural relations would expand. Stressing the same principle, Mr. Oistrakh, in his reply to the toast by Mr. Eban, said: "With my violin, I wanted not only to play — but also to express by sympathy to you."

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