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Terrorists Unsuccessful in Effort to Break Up Sinai Withdrawal Talks

September 17, 1975
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Israeli-Egyptian military talks on the implementation of the Sinai withdrawal agreement, resumed here this morning on schedule. A conference source told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that it was “business as usual” and that the two delegations continued where they left off Sunday without referring to yesterday’s attempt by Palestinian terrorists to break up the talks by attacking the Egyptian Embassy in Madrid.

The conference sources said that at no time during the evening’s long wait for the terrorists to free their hostages did the Egyptian delegation at the talks give the slightest indication that it might give in the terrorist demands. The Egyptian delegation is, on the contrary, quoted by unofficial sources as having said that “the talks will go on, come what may.”

Security precautions were dramatically increased, however, as a result of yesterday’s terrorist attack. Dozens of additional Swiss police were seen around the Egyptian delegation’s residence, the Hotel Intercontinental, and near the delegation’s headquarters in the center of the city.

The delegation arrived at the site of the talks, the “Palais des Nations,” in unmarked cars abandoning their usual diplomatic corps Mercedes. The Egyptian officers, led by Gen. Tahael Maghoub, did not seem unnerved by yesterday’s events and cheerfully waved to the newsmen who had gathered to see them enter the building.

The talks were suspended yesterday because of Yom Kippur. The Israeli delegation attended services at the Geneva Synagogue and broke the fast at the homes of members of the Geneva Jewish community.

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