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Testimony of Eichmann Witnesses in Germany Will Be Given in Camera

The schedule of German court interrogations of eight ex-Nazis, who will testify in connection with the Jerusalem trial of Adolf Eichmann, was made public by the German Government today. All of the men have been unable to go to Jerusalem to testify, since the Israeli Government had refused to grant them immunity from arrest and […]

May 17, 1961
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The schedule of German court interrogations of eight ex-Nazis, who will testify in connection with the Jerusalem trial of Adolf Eichmann, was made public by the German Government today. All of the men have been unable to go to Jerusalem to testify, since the Israeli Government had refused to grant them immunity from arrest and possible trial for their crimes against Jews.

Under the rules, it was announced here, only representatives of the Eichmann prosecution and defense will be permitted in the courtrooms where the ex-Nazis will be questioned before German judges. The press and the public will be barred. Both sides have agreed they will not disclose the nature of the testimony here, unless that testimony is revealed by the court in Jerusalem.

First to be interrogated, on Thursday, will be Dr. Eberhard von Thadden, former expert on Jewish affairs for the Nazi Foreign Ministry. His interrogation will take place before a German judge at Neuss.

The next day, Otto Winkelmann, a former SS group leader, will be questioned at Kiel. Edmund Vessenmayer, Hitler Government liaison officer in Hungary, will face a court at Darmstadt on May 23. The following day, Dr. Franz Six, former SS officer, will be questioned at Kettelschwang, Bavaria.

Former General von dem Bach Zelewski, who led Hitler commando units during the war, will appear at a court at Nuremberg on May 25. Max Merten, former Nazi war administrator at Salonika, Greece, will face interrogation in Berlin on May 26. Finally, before a magistrate at Frankfurt, on May 29, there will be interrogations for Hermann Krumey, Eichmann’s deputy in Hungary; and former Auschwitz commandant Richard Baer.

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