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Tolerance Plea Made by Clergy at Symposium

Unless the “German wave of anti-Semitism” is checked, it will spread to many parts of the world, Professor Halford E. Luccock of Yale Divinity School said here in a religious symposium held at the First Methodist Chruch. Other speakers included Mark J. Sweeney, of the Knights of columbus, and Rabbi Louis Greenberg, of Congregation B’Nai […]

February 14, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Unless the “German wave of anti-Semitism” is checked, it will spread to many parts of the world, Professor Halford E. Luccock of Yale Divinity School said here in a religious symposium held at the First Methodist Chruch. Other speakers included Mark J. Sweeney, of the Knights of columbus, and Rabbi Louis Greenberg, of Congregation B’Nai Jacob, New Haven. Dr. Luccock, who spoke on b half of the Protestant Church, said that the people of all nations must learn to say”we” inbe eliminated. He said that churches must be made a force for good will.

“History in the past,” Mr. Sweeney said, “has been little more than progaganda, and with its elimination, better understanding will result. Riligious prejudice is dying out, and the few times it has appeared recently have been due to political motives.”

Rabbi Greendurg said that the greatest cause of prejudice are racial, religious and economic forces, and that the most important of these is economic . He declared that th Jews will always be followers of idealistic causes and for this reason they are branded as redicals. He said that if the Christian church will wosrk to bring about a world of social justice in which people no longer would have to worry over the basic necessities of lifed, the ecomimic factor in prejudice would be eliminated.

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