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U.S. Failure to Act Resulted in Closing Palestine to Jews, House is Told

April 2, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

“Today marks another milestone in the sad history of a wandering race and not one to which the democracies can look with pride,” Rep. Ranulf Compton, co-sponsor of the Palestine resolution, said today on the floor of the House.

“For our failure to act or even to protest,” he charged, “the doors of Palestine close today — because the imperialistic policy of the British Colonial Office is more important to the present Administration than furnishing a haven for millions of Hitler’s victims in Europe.”

“Last week,” he continued, “the President of the United States, in what was intended to be a sympathetic statement, asked the nations of the world to open their doors to the refugees of Germany and the suffering people of occupied countries — well knowing that this was not practical. And yet he made no move and spoke no word to keep open the comparatively few square miles set aside in Palestine by all the nations for immigration of Jews. There are 600,000 of their kinsmen waiting, praying and earnestly offering a home for their stricken brethren, but all they receive is sympathetic words.”

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