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Union Tract Commission Holds Conference

April 22, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Daily Bulletin)

The first meeting of the newly appointed members of the Tract Commission representing the Central Conference of American Rabbis was held recently at the offices of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations here. The publication of a series of tracts and a book of sermons were considered and officers of the Commission were elected. The members of the Commission include Milton M. Alexander, Detroit; Dr. Israel Bettan, Cincinnati; Rabbi Morris M. Feuerlicht, Indianapolis; Dr. Leo M. Franklin, Detroit; Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, Chicago; and Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg, Milwaukee.

Dr. Franklin was elected chairman and Dr. Solomon B. Freehof, vice-chairman. The six members of the Commission elected Rabbi Louis I. Egleston as its seventh member and its secretary. Dr. Solomon B. Freehof was elected chairman of the Editorial Committee and Milton M. Alexander Distribution Committee.

The Sabbath Sermon Pamphlet Committee is headed by Dr. Israel Bettan; Holiday Sermon Pamphet, Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg; Holiday Press Notices, Rabbi Egelson. Among the series of tracts which were considered at the conference were the following: A series of four tracts on the “Social Ideal in Judaism”; A series of five tracts on “Judaism and Other Modern Religions”; A series of five tracts on “Judaism and Modern Thought”; A series of four tracts on “Post-Biblical Judaism”; A series of four tracts on “The Jewish Prayer Book”; A series of six tracts on “Jewish Theology”; A series of five tracts on “Jewish Literature.” Assignments of these tracts were made, and their authors have promised to submit some for publication next Fall. It was also decided that a volume of Sabbath Sermons be published to contain no more than thirty sermons and addresses by Rabbis. This book will be distributed in small communities where there are no religious leaders.

An injunction against the Left Wing in the needle workers’ unions in favor of the Association of Dress Manufacturers was granted Wednesday by Supreme Court Justice Tierney. The Court held that the manufacturers had furnished proof of unlawful interference by the Left Wing union officials with employes. The order, which will be signed later, will restrain Louis Hyman, as Chairman of the Joint Board of the Cloak, Skirt, Dress and Reefer Makers Unions, and the officers and members of Locals 10. 22, 35 and 89 of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers from picketing the shops of the manufacturers and from interfering with the needle workers.

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