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W. J. C. Calls on Moscow to Lift Ban on Jewish Institutions in Russia

July 29, 1958
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The World Jewish Congress executive concluded today its conference here with the adoption of resolutions urging the Soviet Union to allow Jewish communities to establish their own institutions, appealing to the Rumanian Government to allow Jews to migrate to Israel and recommending an international Jewish culture conference.

The WJC, in its resolution addressed to the USSR, underlined the “inalienable right of Jewish communities everywhere to establish institutions to maintain the continuity of Jewish life. Rumania was asked to enable families separated between Rumania and Israel to be reunited, and to permit the emigration of 130 Zionists released from Prison some time ago. At the time of their release, the government promised to facilitate their migration to Israel but has not done so.

The delegates asked that recommendations reached at the projected culture parley be brought to the next plenary session of the WJC executive. In the interest of ending the world armaments race, the executive proposed that the halting of nuclear tests would be “an important first step” on the road to delivering mankind from fear.

In his concluding remarks, WJC president Dr. Nahum Goldmann praised the cooperativeness shown by delegates on controversial issues. He also commemorated the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising as a symbol of the heroism and martyrdom of the Jewish people.

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