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Warsaw Kehillah Protests Against Socialists’ Action at Funeral of Felix Perl

April 22, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The funeral procession of Dr. Felix Perl, late Jewish Socialist leader, created a conflict between the Polish Socialist party and the Executive of the Warsaw Kehillah.

The party, which was in charge of arrangements for the funeral, had obtained the permission of the Kehillah Executive for a catafalque decked with flags and wreaths to be a part of the procession, on the condition that the traditional Jewish hearse, the Agoleh, precede the catafalque. Jews in Poland identify the catafalque with a Christian funeral.

During the procession members of the Polish Socialist Party forced the traditional Agoleh into the rear, permitting the catafalque to proceed ahead of the procession.

The Executive of the Kehillah has lodged a sharp protest with the leaders of the party against this action.

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