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Weizmann Leaves Israel for European Vacation; Armed Forces Salute President

President Chain Weizmann today left Israel for a European vacation. During his absence Speaker of the Knessot Joseph Sprinzak will be Acting President. The President left aboard the Israel vessel Kedmah which flew a brand new Presidential flag presented to Dr. Weizmann by Communications Minister David Remoz. The President inspectedan honor guard before he and […]

July 7, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

President Chain Weizmann today left Israel for a European vacation. During his absence Speaker of the Knessot Joseph Sprinzak will be Acting President.

The President left aboard the Israel vessel Kedmah which flew a brand new Presidential flag presented to Dr. Weizmann by Communications Minister David Remoz. The President inspectedan honor guard before he and his party boarded the vessel. Port gune fired a 21-gun salute as the Kodmah steamed out of the port. Israel fighter planes circled overhead and escorted the ship until it left Israel territerial waters.

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