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Will Admit Reich Exiles, Peru States

Assurances have been given by the president and several ministers that Peru will open its doors to an undetermined number of Jewish refugees from Germany. These assurances were given to Dr. Samuel G. Inman, secretary to the League -of Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees, James G. MacDonald. Dr. Inman came to Peru on behalf of […]

July 14, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Assurances have been given by the president and several ministers that Peru will open its doors to an undetermined number of Jewish refugees from Germany.

These assurances were given to Dr. Samuel G. Inman, secretary to the League -of Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees, James G. MacDonald. Dr. Inman came to Peru on behalf of the German refugees and especially to gain some concessions from the Peruvian government for German-Jewish professors and intellectuals.

In connection with Dr. Inman’s visit, an immigrant aid committee was organized here, consisting chiefly of German Jews, who until recently took no active part in Jewish social life in Peru. The chairman of this committee is Herr Leopold Weil.


The committee manitains contacts with the Jewish immigration society in Paris known as Hicem, and will also establish contacts with the secretariat for man refugees of the League of Nations.

The committe has already waged a campaign among local Jewish businessmen and manufacturers to provide employment for a certain number of refugees who will shortly arrive here.

In order to avoid chaos in the immigration of refugees, the committee has arrived at an understanding with Dr. Inman that in every case when immigrants are brought to Peru, the local committee in Lima is to be consulted first. “The uncontrolled immigration of German Jewish immigrants to Peru would endanger the existence of the Jewish Community here,” the committee said, “because too many immigrants could not be supported by the local Jewish community.”

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