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William Fox to Head New York Drive of United Jewish Campaign

William Fox, motion picture magnate. was chosen chairman of the New York drive of the United Jewish Campaign, at a conference which took place Friday at the home of Felix M. Warburg. In accepting the chairmanship Mr. Fox an pounced a personal contribution of $250,000 to the U.J.C. and requested that the New York quota […]

February 15, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

William Fox, motion picture magnate. was chosen chairman of the New York drive of the United Jewish Campaign, at a conference which took place Friday at the home of Felix M. Warburg.

In accepting the chairmanship Mr. Fox an pounced a personal contribution of $250,000 to the U.J.C. and requested that the New York quota be raised from $4,000,000 to $6,000,000. The conference unanimously approved the increase. thus making New York’s quota the largest of any city drive in the history of Jewish philanthropy in America.

Associated with Mr. Fox in the campaign, which it is planned to begin early in March. will be Felix M. Warburg and Louis Marshall, as honorary chairmen: David M. Bressler and Jonah J. Goldstein. vice-chairmen: Marty L Berger, national secretary of the United Jewish Campaign, who has been loaded by National Chairman David A. Brown to Mr. Fox. as secretary of the New York drive. Paul ### member of the tanking house of ### Frenes will be the treasurer of the campaign, and Col. H. A. ### associate treasures.

Others who will be associated with Mr. Fox are Benjamin Winter. Hen. One A. Rosalsky. Herbert H. Lohman. Dr. Lee Franked, Henry Ittelson.### Kabn. Peter ### and Samuel Gold. stein of the Jewish National Workers Alliance.

Mr. Inteson, head of the Commercial Investment Trust Company, subserited $40,000 to the campaign.

In accepting the chairmanship, Mr. Fox said:

I have ### raised the ### by $2,000,000 because I am convinced that even if New York City gives $52,000,000 and the rest of the country exceeds the quotas that have been assigned to the various scates and cities in the $15,000,000 ###. we shall said not have a fund large ### to substantially ### the appaling ### which has over### the Jews of Poland. Galicia. Bes### Russia and Remacia.

“Without exaggeration, the lives of millions are in the hands of the Jews of America, to whom they are pleating for help. Great merchants in Poland have been driven to ### and suicide, and ### are going ### Hundreds of thousands of small traders have sold their last place of ### to provide food for their families; 90 per cent of the Jewish artisans of Poland are without work; orphan-asylums are closing and tens of thousands of children are roaming the streets, unsheltered and unprotected.

“Unless we send relief to them promptly. unless we begin at once to feed the hungry thousands, bread riots, which have already occurred in Lodz and Wilna. will become general, and thousands will perish.

“For these reasons I propose that there be no delay in the inauguration of the drive which must be not later than the beginning of March. I am sure that we will succeed in raising our full quota and more because there never was a time in the history of this country when prosperity was so general and when the eagerness to give was so great.”

David A. Brown telegraphed Mr. Fox from Des Moines, as follows:

“Your acceptance of the New York chairmanship and your most generous contribution will make the New York campaign the greatest in the history of New York. I congratulate all who are involved in this great humanitarian effort that we are to have your cooperation.”

This is the second time that Mr. Fox heads a drive in New York for European Jewry, having been chairman of the war relief drive in New York in 1918 when over $3,000,000 was raised. He is also associated with the Business Men’s Council of the New York Pederation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies.


The Messachusetts State Federation of Women’s Clubs will bold its mid-winter meeting Feb. 16 in Boston.

The Jewish Blind ### and the Shaare Zedak Hospi###, at ###and the Moshab Sekeinim Home teribe Aged. at Saffed Palestine. received bequests of $200-$400 and $? respectivety cut of the estate of $? left by Nathan ### who died in May’s Landing, N. J.

The Executive Committee of the Alumni Association of the ### Union College yesterday in New York City. There were present Dr. Jonab B. Wise. president on indian Jorgensen president of the Hebrew Union College and Rabbis J. B. Pollak. A. B. Rhine. J. H. Shirball. A. Weinstein and H. S. Linfield. The members of the Executive Committee were the guests of the president of the Association.

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