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World Conference of Labor Zionists Rejects Nationalistic Part of Proposed Program

The world conference of Labor Zionists adjourned here today after adopting a number of resolutions for the guidance of labor delegates at the World Zionist Congress. Of primary significance was the adoption of a proposed “Jerusalem Program” for the Zionist movement, which states that “Zionism aims to redeem the Jewish people by gathering in the […]

August 14, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The world conference of Labor Zionists adjourned here today after adopting a number of resolutions for the guidance of labor delegates at the World Zionist Congress.

Of primary significance was the adoption of a proposed “Jerusalem Program” for the Zionist movement, which states that “Zionism aims to redeem the Jewish people by gathering in the exiles to Israel.” However, the parley rejected another portion of the “program” that called for the “fostering of a feeling of nationhood among the Jews in all countries of the world.”

To carry out its functions the World Zionist Movement must be granted a recognized status as a representative of the Jewish people, the parley said in a resolution. It also insisted that the Jewish Agency executive in Israel should be accorded a specific position in the state protocol to symbolize its status as a representative of the Zionist movement and the Jewish people.

The conference called for continuation of the coordinating board–of the Jewish Agency and the government–which plans all problems of immigration, absorption and development in Israel. The Labor delegates also defined the responsibilities of the Agency for fund-raising abroad.

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