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World Press Digest

Commenting on the bill introduced in Quebec to force the Jews to keep their stores closed on Sunday, the Canadian Jewish Chronicle says: The introduction of a bill in the Quebec Legislature to deprive the Jewish people of certain rights in this province is the culmination of an agitation that has been going on for […]

May 16, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Commenting on the bill introduced in Quebec to force the Jews to keep their stores closed on Sunday, the Canadian Jewish Chronicle says:

The introduction of a bill in the Quebec Legislature to deprive the Jewish people of certain rights in this province is the culmination of an agitation that has been going on for a long time. For some time past, the few Jewish stores who are allowed to trade on Sunday have been victimized by sleuths who have been spurred on to the delightful game of pin-pricking. The fact that trading is done on Sunday along St. Denis Street, St. Catherine Street, Verdun Lachine, etc., does not seem to bother the authorities very much, for consistency and fair play do not come within the orbit of their watchfulness.


The editorial also comments on the puzzling endorsement of this bill by Premier Taschereau:

As for Mr. Taschereau’s role, it is somewhat perplexing. Mr. Taschereau was a member of the Legislature when the bill granting full rights to the Jews was passed unanimously twenty-five years ago. Now he suddenly proclaims that if the Legislature could constitutionally repeal the section of the ###s affecting Jews, he would vote for it. The mystery is deepened by the fact that twenty-five years ago, the Legislature saw no reason why the clauses should not be adopted, but in suggesting their abrogation, it has been suggested that the “buck be passed” to the Court of King’s Bench.


The New Judea, official organ of the Zionist Executive in London, disclosing the fact that 2,800 immigration certificates were deducted by the Palestine government from the present labor schedule on account of hypothetical illegal immigrants, says:

This procedure strikes us as rather unfair. For even on the assumption that there will be unauthorized Jewish immigration, the retention of 2,800 certificates seems to be out of all proportion to the possible number of authorized immigrants. We can only hope that on realizing that the number retained is not in accordance with its high estimate, it will return to the Agency the balance of its own original estimate without the deduction.


The Referee, a London newspaper, commenting on the participation of the British Jews in the King’s Jubilee celebrations, says:

In England the Jews have demonstrated their loyalty as citizens of the King.

This glorious land of liberty whose policy is ruled by the Christian faith stands out as the model of nations. When once the battle of emancipation and religious liberty was fought and won England stood forth as the champion of freedom in every form.

The granting of the full rights of citizenship, and the admission of all sections of the population to every avenue of national life immediately rallied to the Throne and the State every denomination and every sect.

Privilege has carried responsibility with it, and Jews have gladly testified to their readiness to shoulder responsibility. Jews bled and died for England. If, Heaven forfend, the occasion were again to arise, Jewish loyalty would not fail.

Jews stand for peace; Judaism preaches peace and denounces war. But duty to the State raises above even our cherished beliefs. His Majesty has no more loyal section of his people than the body of his Jewish citizens.


The Observer a London weekly newspaper, commenting on the International Film Congress in Berlin, says:

England has not sent delegates to the International Film Congress in Berlin. Forty-two were scheduled to go, but their visit was cancelled at the last moment. Naturally, the Germans declare that eighty per cent of the British film industry is in the hands of the Jews, so what can you expect?

Forty nations, among them France, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Hungary, and Austria, are said to have sent almost one thousand dolegates. Holland, like England, backed out at the last moment.

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