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Young Lords Critical of Attack but Blame It on Cia, Dayan

June 2, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A spokesman for the Young Lords, the militant organization of Puerto Rican youths, suggested to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency today that “right-wing” elements like the Central Intelligence Agency and “the Israel Defense Forces headed by Moshe Dayan” may have been behind the slaughter at Lydda Airport. Pablo “Yoruba” Guzman, who described the Young Lords’ Middle East position as not anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli but opposed to “reactionary” governments like those in Israel, Jordan, Syria and Egypt, criticized the shooting, based on reports in “the bourgeois press.” He said: “We don’t feel at this time that that is a valid tactic. It was a very bad action in the name of humanity that’s gonna turn a lot of people off.”

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