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Z.O.A. Executive Council Analyzes Israel’s ‘setbacks’ in Washington

Declaring that Israel has recently suffered “setbacks” in Washington through the U.S. Navyts support of the Arab boycott and the vastly increased American aid to Nasser, the National Executive Council of the Zionist Organization of America, at the conclusion of a two-day meeting here today, issued a call for the strengthening of the Zionist movement […]

February 1, 1960
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Declaring that Israel has recently suffered “setbacks” in Washington through the U.S. Navyts support of the Arab boycott and the vastly increased American aid to Nasser, the National Executive Council of the Zionist Organization of America, at the conclusion of a two-day meeting here today, issued a call for the strengthening of the Zionist movement in this country.

The ZOA Council also adopted a resolution urging the newly appointed United Nations Commission to study worldwide anti-Semitism to devote its attention to the activities of what was described as “a center of Nazism”in Cairo Egypt, operating under the direction of a former head of anti-Semitism under Hitler.

A call was also issued for the sale of 300, 000 Shekalim by members of the ZOA for forthcoming World Zionist Congress, which is scheduled to be held in Jerusalem in December 1960.

Abraham Redelheim, ZOA president, told the assembled Zionists from all parts of the country that “the deterioration in the degree of American public support for Israel’s just claims coupled with the growing pro-Arab position of the State Department and U.S. policy of appeasement of Nasser seems to be in direct ratio with the extent the organized Zionist movement has been downgraded by Israeli leaders.”

Dr. Emanuel Neumann, member of the Jewish Agency executive, predicted that as a result of the revised constitution of the World Zionist Organization, it may be expected that some new organizations will be represented at the next Zionist Congress by fully qualified or fraternal delegatee, “thereby enhancing the representative character of the Congress as the greatest forum of world Jewry.”

He reported that the revised constitution, which was adopted at the recent season of the Zionist Actions Committee in Jerusalem, clarifies the status of affiliated member-organizations and explicitly confirms the full autonomy of American Zionist bodies linked with the world Zionist movement. The revised constitution also confirms the policy of opening the doors for the entry of new organizations not hitherto affiliated. Under special provisions they may now join the Zionist movement either as full-fledged members or as associated organizations on a more limited basis, he said.

Dr. Maz Nussbaum, chairman of the ZOA Executive Council, asserted that the recent resurgent wave of anti-Semitism points to “a new conspiracy of international fascism, the wires of which are pulled by former members of the Nazi party, who have united their strength and are trying for a comeback.”

Rabbi Nuobaum, who himself fled Nazi Germany in 1939, charged “that there are at least four such groups, all of whom escaped from Germany at the last moment with huge sums of money at their disposal.”

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