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Zionists Plan Reorganization at Forthcoming 31st Annual Convention

June 14, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The thirty-first annual Convention of the Zionist Organization of America, will be held in Atlantic City beginning Sunday, June 26th. The sessions of the Convention will open on Sunday the 26th in the Chelsea Assembly Hall, where the sessions will be held on Monday and Tuesday. Conventional Headquarters will be at the Hotel Ritz-Carlton.

A mass meeting will be held Sunday evening. June 26th, in the Chelsea Assembly Hall. The meeting will be addressed by M. M. Ussischkin, who is now enroute from Palestine to attend the Zionist Convention in Canada, following which he will come to the United States.

In issuing the call to the convention, the Administration Committee declared:

“The staggering responsibilities of a growing Palestine have placed burdens upon the organized Zionists of this country which requires not only a generous contribution to our funds, but a direct personal participation in the administration of our affairs in Palestine. It is becoming increasingly evident that these responsibilities cannot be evaded by us without causing serious impairment in the reconstruction work. During the past year. Palestine has gone through a severe crisis. The crisis has left its scars and the house must be put in order. There are divergent views with regard to Zionist policy. Many are displeased with certain phases of the work there, with the economic policy of the Organization. These are matters requiring the earuest consideration of our delegates to the coming Convention as well as of our representatives to the next Zionist Congress which is scheduled to be held in Pasle, August 24th.”

The convention will deal with the problem of the internal reorganization of the Zionist Organization looking toward consolidation and coordination of the various bureaus and loosely attached agencies of the Zionist Organization. It was stated at Zionist headquarters that a complete plan of reorganization is now being discussed by a special committee that is holding public hearings on the subject, which after adoption will be announced on the eve of the Convention.

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