This sea lion-shofar TikTok mashup is a spot-on way to kick off the High Holiday season

You’ll never hear the shofar the same way again.


(JTA) — Now that it’s Elul, the month that precedes Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish world is filling with the sounds of the shofar. But what about Sea World?

A viral video combining the call of sea lions with the blasts of the shofar suggests one answer.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just have to do it, I have to, I have to,” the video’s creator, a teenaged TikTok user named Mallory Palmer, says in the clip.

Palmer then calls “tekiah,” one of the traditional shofar sounds — but instead of a shofar responding, a sea lion delivers a single call that could fit right in during Rosh Hashanah services.

Laughing, Palmer continues on to “shevarim,” and the sea lion responds with the staccato sounds of the nine-note blast (actually the “teruah” call, but who’s counting). For “tekiah gedolah,” the extended tone that concludes the shofar service, multiple seals offer their call at once.

i know that the sounds aren’t PERFECT but still. happy rosh hashanah!” Palmer wrote. The mashup has gone semi-viral, with nearly 72,000 views five days after Palmer posted it.

But Palmer — who has created some far more popular clips on TikTok — suggested in a post that people looking for more Jewish content ought not follow her, as she mostly posts about a fantasy series about teen wizards.

“This is my formal apology to my Jewish following,” she wrote on a post set to a song combining Nikki Minaj’s “Super Bass” and Hava Nagilah. “I know you followed me for Jewish memes but unfortunately this is a Percy Jackson account.”

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