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Ninety-two Industries Being Canvassed in N. Y. United Jewish Campaign

April 28, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Will Seek to Secure City’s Full Quota By May 9

Ninety-two teams, to cover as many industries, started canvassing for the United Jewish Campaign Monday in an effort to secure the second half of New York City’s quota of $6,000,000 by May 9th, according to an announcement by David M. Bressler, vice-chairman of the drive. A total of nearly $3,000,000 was raised at the three dinners held Sunday night which were attended by 1200 men and women.

The Bankers’ and Brokers’ Division, headed by Carl Pforzheimer, is expected to raise $1,500,000. The quota of $1,000,000 was alloted to the Real Estate Division led by J. Clarence Davies, and $400,000 to the Cloaks and Suits Division, headed by Jacob Sperber. Louis Vorhaus, who heads the Lawyers and Judges Division, assumed the burden of raising $300,000 and Dr. Louis I. Harris, Health Commissioner of New York City, $150,000 from physicians and surgeons.

A quota of $250,000 each is asked of the Clothing Division, headed by Joseph Frankel; Cotton Goods, headed by Charles L. Bernheimer, and Metals and Minings headed by Ludwig Vogelstein; $150,000 each of the Wholesale Jewelry Division, Zach A. Oppenheimer, chairman, and Millinery, Abe N. Adelson, chairman; $100,000 each from the Chemical Division headed by D. A. Ansbacher, and the Insurance Division of which Joseph S. Blume is chairman.

The Theatrical Division of the campaign which has a quota of $400,000, will be participated in by representatives of all the branches of the Theatrical Profession and allied industries. The leaders of the Theatrical Division are: A. L. Erlanger, Lee Schubert, Carl Laemmle, Charles O’Reilly, Sam H. Harris, E. F. Albee, William A. Brady, Marcus Loew, Harry Warner, Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, William Morris, B. S. Moss, Morris Goodman, Sidney S. Cohen, Jacob Wilk, Douglas N. Taussig, and Joseph Leblang.

Contributions totalling $132,000 were made Monday night at a dinner in honor of David A. Brown in the Men’s Club of Far Rockaway. The original quota for Far Rockaway was $100,000, but Leo Lauterstein, chairman of the Far Rockaway Division, stated that a quota of $150,000 was accepted.

The Sisterhood of the Central Synagogue, which has a membership of three hundred pledged themselves to contribute one dollar a week for the next three years, which will make a total of $46,800.

The management of the drive, which announced after Sunday night’s dinners that the grand total of pledges made at the three meetings was $3,700,000, corrected this statement by putting the figure at nearly $3,000,000. It was reported that the mistake was caused by an employe who attributed the $3,000,000 total for all three meetings to one meeting alone–that held by the men’s division for Manhattan and the Bronx at the Biltmore. The erroneous grand Total of $3,700,000 was obtained by adding to this $3,000,000 the $450,000 raised by the Brooklyn section at the Astor and the $250,000 pledged by the women’s division at the Biltmore.

The “Jewish Daily Bulletin” regrets a mistake in yesterday’s report of the United Jewish Campaign dinners. Mr. Bressler was erroneously quoted as having stated Mr. Marshall would contribute an additional $50,000 if the entire quota of $6,000,000 is raised. It was Mr. William Fox promised this additional contribution.

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