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Zvi Candidate for Presidency of Israel

November 28, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Itzhak Ben Zvi, former president of the ### Council of Palestine which was replaced by the Israel Parliament ### of the Jewish State, was today unanimously nominated as ### President of Israel by the central committee of the Mapai, Israel’s ### Party.

### Ben Zvi, who this week celebrated his 59th birthday, is well known in the ### where he recruited volunteers for the Jewish Legion during World ### He was one of the founders of the Histadrut, Israel’s Federation of Labor, ### of a great many publications mainly on archeology.

### Laborites today announced that their candidate for the Presidency will be ### A haron Bardt, noted lawyer. The left-wing Mapam Party has named Dr. ### veteran Zionist leader of Poland, as its candidate.

### Weisgal, chairman of the executive committee of the Weizmann Institute ### today left for the United States with plans for the establishment of a ### ” to the late President Weizmann. The plans, which will be pre### the Weizmann memorial dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York ### provide for the creation of an institute of Zionist studies, the establish### post-doctorate fellowships and the expansion of the Weizmann Institute.

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