Jennifer Rubin and the notion of ‘expertise’


Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post’s "Right Turn" blogger rails here against the ADL for explaining to her that there is no contradiction between a) reporting that Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, was not attached to a recognizable political movement and b) promoting its expertise on right wing extremism.

Jen, it’s not so tough, and if you thought it through you might twig that it even comports with your world view. Let’s walk you through it:

A) ADL says Jared Lee Loughner is not a right wing extremist;

B) ADL is available to explain what right wing extremism is, to those who who need further elucidation.

See? Not so hard.

Incidentally, why do all of Rubin’s anonymous interlocutors agree with her? It’s more fun (and elucidating) when bloggers record — and engage with — disagreement, no?

On the other hand, it’s nice to have acolytes.

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