Political Points: Palin amens Dersh, Mandel chases Brown, Lew misspeaks?


PALIN AMENS DERSHOWITZ: Sarah Palin chimes in on Facebook to concur with Democratic law professor Alan Dershowitz’s criticism of the liberal group Media Matters’ rhetoric on Israel.

BREYER ROBBED: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and his wife and guests were robbed but unharmed by a machete-wielding man at the justice’s vacation home on the Caribbean island of Nevis.

MANDEL CHASES BROWN: Republican Senate hopeful Josh Mandel is trailing Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown by only four points among Ohio voters, according to Rasmussen Reports.


HASNER’S MOM’S FRANKEL TIES: Florida Republican congressional hopeful Adam Hasner’s mother is standing by her son even though she once managed a campaign for his possible Democratic foe, Lois Frankel.

HASNER’S WEST COMPARISON: Jewish GOPer Adam Hasner says that he and black Tea Party favorite Rep. Alan West (whose district switch led Hasner to enter the race to represent Florida’s 22nd Congressional District) share something in common as “minorities of minorities.”

MEET WASSERMAN SCHULTZ’S FOE: The conservative website Hot Air interviewed the Republican challenger to Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

DEUTCH’S NEW DISTRICT: Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch’s new congressional district kept 76 percent of his old district’s voters following a redrawing of Florida’s congressional map.

LIEBERMAN’S SYRIAN ARMS APPEAL: Sen. Joseph Lieberman calls for the formation of a coalition to train and arm the Syrian opposition.

LEW SPEAKS: The new White House chief of staff, Jack Lew, says that the economy is on the mend.

LEW MISSPEAKS: The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler writes that Jack Lew mischaracterized the budget passage process.

QUINN AND CO. TO ISRAEL: New York City Council Speaker (and mayoral hopeful) Christine Quinn is traveling to Israel with a coterie of fellow City Council members.

KRISTOL’S SUNNY DISPOSITION: The Weekly Standard’s William Kristol argues that it is “good news” that the Republican nomination race “won’t end prematurely.”

CANTOR’S ‘NEW DEAL’: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor reveals that his first date with his wife was at “The New Deal” restaurant.

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